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Clooney calls on Biden to drop out
15:36, 11.07.2024 |
3666 | 0

George Clooney has issued a damning call for Joe Biden to quit the US presidential race, hours after senior Democrat Nancy Pelosi swerved questions about whether he should continue.

The actor and prominent Democratic fundraiser said the president had won many battles in his career, "but the one battle he cannot win is the fight against time".

Another Hollywood star and fundraiser, Michael Douglas, later told the BBC he was "worried" about Mr Biden's electoral chances.

The president has stated, repeatedly, that he is determined to remain as the Democratic party's candidate and beat Donald Trump, 78, in November.

The celebrities' comments came after Mrs Pelosi, the former House Speaker, joined growing disquiet in the party, saying time was "running short" for Mr Biden, 81, to decide whether to stay in the race after his stumbling debate against Trump.

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