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Idramy ev IDBank-y: Mantashyants Global Expo-um
18:18, 21.10.2024 | mamul.am
3059 | 0

Idramn u IDBank-y masnakcel en Mantashyants Global EXPO 2024 cucahandesin, vortegh nerkayacvac ein 40-ic aveli volortneri shurj 120 ynkerutyunner։ Cucahandesy profesional hartak carayec gorcararneri hamar: canotanalu ayl biznesnerin, teghekanalu yuraqanchyur biznesi arandznahatkutyunnerin ev yndzerac hnaravorutyunnerin։

Idramy ev IDBank-y: Mantashyants Global Expo-um

Banki ev Idrami timery nerka ein: patmelu ynkerutyunneri tramadrac layn hnaravorutyunneri masin, voronq biznesnerin arajarkum en ogtvel amboghjakan phatetic u yndlaynel hamagorcakcutyan shrjanaky: tramadrelov bacarik phatetner: yuraqanchyur biznesi hamar arajarkelov hamapatasxan individual lucum։

Idrami PhMDz nergravman bazhni ghekavar Aghvan Abrahamyani xosqov: 22,500 gorcynkernern Idramn yntrel en harmaravetutyan, tchkunutyan, standartneric durs, parz ev misht hasaneli linelu hamar։

«Idramy iskakan hajoghvac Made in Armenia lucum e. izur che, vor mez anvanum en azgayin vtcharayin hamakarg: Menq naev hatchaxordneri tiv mek yntrutyunn enq QR-vtcharumneri harcum, ev nranq mshtapes phntrelu en Idrami QR-y biznesneri dramarkgherum» - nshec Aghvan Abrahamyany։

Ir eluytum na nerkayacrec Idrami carayutyunnern u naxadzernutyunnery, voronq ognum en biznesnerin atchel u zarganal: tramadrelov patrasti lucumner u tuyl talov chmtahogvel havelyal gorciqneri kirarman u cragreri nerdrman masin։

Cucahandesi yntacqum IDBank-i ev Idrami taghavarum masnagetnery biznesnerin nerkayacnum ein biznesneri hamar carayutyunneri amboghjakan phatety: gorcogh hatuk arajarkov u nor hnaravorutyunnerov։ IDBank-y biznes hatchaxordneri hamar steghcel e anhatakanacvac bankayin lucumner: harmarecvac verjinneris kariqnerin, voronq aravelaguyns carayum en biznesneri kayun zargacmann u atchin։

Idramy ev IDBank-y: Mantashyants Global Expo-um

IDBank-y biznesnerin arajarkum e biznes qarter ev varker: hatuk paymannerov, IDsalary ashxatavardzayin bacarik phatety, vtcharayin gorciqner, hashivneri bacum ev spasarkum, inchpes naev apahov avandi hnaravorutyun ev ayln։


Idramy ev IDBank-y: Mantashyants Global Expo-um

Idramn u IDBank-y masnakcel en Mantashyants Global EXPO 2024 cucahandesin, vortegh nerkayacvac ein 40-ic aveli volortneri shurj 120 ynkerutyunner։ Cucahandesy profesional hartak carayec gorcararneri hamar: canotanalu ayl biznesnerin, teghekanalu yuraqanchyur biznesi arandznahatkutyunnerin ev yndzerac hnaravorutyunnerin։

Banki ev Idrami timery nerka ein: patmelu ynkerutyunneri tramadrac layn hnaravorutyunneri masin, voronq biznesnerin arajarkum en ogtvel amboghjakan phatetic u yndlaynel hamagorcakcutyan shrjanaky: tramadrelov bacarik phatetner: yuraqanchyur biznesi hamar arajarkelov hamapatasxan individual lucum։

Idrami PhMDz nergravman bazhni ghekavar Aghvan Abrahamyani xosqov: 22,500 gorcynkernern Idramn yntrel en harmaravetutyan, tchkunutyan, standartneric durs, parz ev misht hasaneli linelu hamar։

«Idramy iskakan hajoghvac Made in Armenia lucum e. izur che, vor mez anvanum en azgayin vtcharayin hamakarg: Menq naev hatchaxordneri tiv mek yntrutyunn enq QR-vtcharumneri harcum, ev nranq mshtapes phntrelu en Idrami QR-y biznesneri dramarkgherum» - nshec Aghvan Abrahamyany։

Ir eluytum na nerkayacrec Idrami carayutyunnern u naxadzernutyunnery, voronq ognum en biznesnerin atchel u zarganal: tramadrelov patrasti lucumner u tuyl talov chmtahogvel havelyal gorciqneri kirarman u cragreri nerdrman masin։

Cucahandesi yntacqum IDBank-i ev Idrami taghavarum masnagetnery biznesnerin nerkayacnum ein biznesneri hamar carayutyunneri amboghjakan phatety: gorcogh hatuk arajarkov u nor hnaravorutyunnerov։ IDBank-y biznes hatchaxordneri hamar steghcel e anhatakanacvac bankayin lucumner: harmarecvac verjinneris kariqnerin, voronq aravelaguyns carayum en biznesneri kayun zargacmann u atchin։

IDBank-y biznesnerin arajarkum e biznes qarter ev varker: hatuk paymannerov, IDsalary ashxatavardzayin bacarik phatety, vtcharayin gorciqner, hashivneri bacum ev spasarkum, inchpes naev apahov avandi hnaravorutyun ev ayln։


Idram and IDBank company at Mantashyants Global Expo

Idram and IDBank participated in the Mantashyants Global EXPO 2024, which showcased around 120 companies from over 40 different sectors. The exhibition provided a professional platform for business leaders to connect, explore each company's unique features, and discover the opportunities they offer.

Bank and Idram team members highlighted the extensive opportunities available, offering businesses a complete package to expand cooperation through exclusive solutions tailored to each company's needs.

Aghvan Abrahamyan, head of Idram's SME unit, noted that 22,500 partners selected Idram for its convenience, flexibility, exceptional standards, and consistent accessibility.

"Idram is a true success story of a Made in Armenia solution. It's no coincidence that we are referred to as the national payment system. We are the top choice for QR payments, and customers will always seek out Idram's QR codes at business cash registers," said Aghvan Abrahamyan.

In his speech, he showcased Idram's services and initiatives designed to support business growth and development. These ready-made solutions enable businesses to focus on their core operations without the burden of additional tools or complex program implementations.

At the exhibition, IDBank and Idram specialists showcased a comprehensive package of services for businesses, highlighting current special offers and new opportunities. IDBank has developed personalized banking solutions tailored to the needs of business clients, maximizing support for their sustainable development and growth.

IDBank provides businesses with tailored offerings, including business cards, special-term loans, the exclusive IDsalary package, payment tools, account opening and maintenance, as well as secure deposit facilities and more.


Kisvir ays nyutov:
08:30, 15.01.2025
2225 | 0
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