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Grant Eating Virus Implications for Armenia
18:45, 15.05.2020
3970 | 0

The coronavirus pandemic sobered up part of the Armenian population, which was in a romantic post-revolutionary state, and brought full clarity that the revolution in 2018 was only the beginning of the path to a possible better future that needs to be built here and now by our own efforts. To a greater extent, this applies to young people who, with due state support, are able to mobilize efforts to develop the republic. But is this possible in a country shrouded in scandals and intrigues?

In fact, it is not known now whether the coronavirus or the "grant-eating virus", which was picked up before the revolution and subsequently spread by those who feed from the Soros feeder and other unselfish people, is worse for Armenia. While the prime minister is campaigning for the elimination of internal corruption, the problem of the explicit bribing of our officials by foreign grantors is becoming increasingly acute. It will not be easy to solve.

Previously, the Soros Foundation and its companions acted softly through backstage contacts, and in the public arena came up with "proposals", "recommendations" and "initiatives", now they are directly putting forward their demands to the government. How did Pashinyan so angry the suckers?

In a global sense, the fact that they considered themselves the main beneficiaries of the "revolution", and had good reason, but Pashinyan did not justify all hopes. Yes, he gave the posts generously, but in Artsakh the hopes had hopes that Pashinyan would provide the presidency to Masis Mayilyan, and the newly-minted Artsakh "revolutionaries" would prevail in the parliament. But not only did Pashinyan fail the plans for the Soros people to come to power in Artsakh, he also had the audacity to ironize them, including the "Westerners" in the list of "those who were disappointed in the revolution".

If you believe the beautiful slogans with which grants continue to flow, the standard of living in Armenia should have been raised for a long time. In the meantime, under the conditions of a coronacrisis, the leadership is not able to ensure timely evacuation of citizens of the republic from neighboring countries. They have to live in anticipation of returning home and reuniting with their families.

Meanwhile, the rating of Nikola Pashinyan is rapidly falling, as the crisis has revealed the true "face" of some of the ruling bloc, who came to power only for the sake of power. Fisticuffs, which are used as a pressure tool, also confirm the immaturity of these individuals. Democracy turned out to be far from democratic, and the government is saturated with scandals. All this impedes the necessary consolidation of the Armenian community and the revival of a full-fledged creative force.

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