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Will Armenia take the path to social justice?
18:20, 16.05.2022
1471 | 0

Since the escalation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict caused by the joint aggression of the regimes of Ilham Aliyev and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Armenian people are going through the most difficult period since the genocide in the Ottoman Empire. Armenia has become a victim of big geopolitical games and is forced to stand alone against the Baku-Turkish predatory tandem - with the silent neutrality of Russia. For the prosperity of Armenia, it is necessary to take full responsibility for itself and start active and persistent work to restore the republic, change the ruling oligarchy and corrupt officials in all departments.

Nikol Pashinyan's government is only a small part of the unsightly tip of the iceberg. Armenia is now like a broken vase, the parts of which scream about their rightness, resentment, rights and exclusivity. It is like a deeply ill person, whose brain (oligarchy) has separated from the body (the people), and the remaining organs work out of place. There are wonderful words of the wise biblical king Solomon, clearly illustrating the state of affairs: "When the righteous triumph, great glory, but when the wicked rise, people hide."

Despite the influx of Russian migrants, Armenia is empty and close to demographic collapse and loss of statehood, because it was ruled and run by wicked people who gave birth to a wicked oligarchic-clan system. Based on the foregoing, any calls for patriotism in this scenario will have an inadequate, neurotic-infantile character with an admixture of blind fanaticism. After all, love for the motherland should be mutual.

The homeland is not just a territory and its subsoil, but, first of all, people and the social model of relationships that is formed by a person and forms the person himself. This is a family, school, university, professional team. What can be seen in Armenia with a cursory glance? Every second family lives in poverty. Who will go to die for such a country? Who and how will educators and professors teach at universities that can hardly support themselves? What kind of work ethic can we talk about when there is no material production in the country? In this scenario, all the talk about patriotism, love for the motherland and the search for a national idea, without taking into account social justice, has no real basis and always smacks of unbearable falsehood.

The national idea of Armenia, as a Christian country, can have different formulations and cultural and mental features. However, its main axiom is unchanged and is expressed in the words of Jesus Christ: "You know that the princes of the nations rule over them and the nobles rule over them; but let it not be so between you, and whoever wants to be great among you, let him be a servant to everyone; and whoever wants to be first among you, let him be your slave. In order to get up from its knees and gain strength and dignity, Armenia, as a state, needs to return to its true Christian foundations of a just society.

To be a Christian country in deeds, and not in slogans, ancient texts and mythical dreams about Greater Armenia. The parasitic oligarchs must leave, but for this the immunity of the people must be strengthened, driven by the faith and desire of every Armenian to serve, and not to dominate, to give, and not just take. Otherwise, no one and nothing will help: neither the Diaspora, nor France, nor the IMF, nor dreams of lost glory, nor the God...

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