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Deliveries of humanitarian aid to residents of Kiev and Zaporozhye regions of Ukraine
10:18, 10.03.2022
1222 | 0

With the assistance of the Russian peacekeeping contingent and the government of Artsakh, humanitarian aid has been sent to residents of the Kiev and Zaporozhye regions of Ukraine, who are currently going through critical times and need constant help and support.

Despite the events of the last two weeks, Russia is demonstrating its readiness to provide assistance to the Ukrainian side. Russian peacekeepers handed over 14 tons of humanitarian aid to the population of Ukraine affected by the hostilities.

The subsequent delivery of humanitarian cargo to the territory of Ukraine with the joint participation of the Russian peacekeeping contingent and the government of Artsakh is not excluded.

It is worth remembering that after the hostilities of 2020, the Russian peacekeeping contingent also delivered humanitarian supplies to Armenia and Artsakh. At that time, a whole range of activities was carried out from working with local residents to collect information about those most in need of help and interacting with charitable organizations to transferring the necessary to each children's institution, to each family personally.

Against the backdrop of hostilities in Ukraine, Artsakh State Minister Artak Beglaryan stated: "Regardless of the unrecognized status of the Republic of Artsakh, we are a responsible and full member of the international community, along with our duties and rights."

The government of Artsakh is ready to provide comprehensive humanitarian assistance to the citizens of Ukraine through Russian peacekeepers who, regardless of the situation, help the civilian population from the bottom of their hearts.

The article published in the Spokesperson project.
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