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«Henc hima Hayastany hardzakman e entarkvum Turqiayi ajakcutyuny vayelogh Adrbejani koghmic». Tigran Hamasyan
16:15, 30.09.2020 | mamul.am
7414 | 0

Dashnakahar, kompozitor Tigran Hamasyann instagramyan ir ejum grel e. «Sovorabar chem sirum qaghaqakan voreve haytararutyun anel, qani vor im «ashxatanqn» e hamaxmbel mardkanc: ser taracelov erazhshtutyan mijocov: Bayc shat dzhvar e lrutyun pahpanel, erb mardik, um tchanachum es, anmegh, xaghagh bnakichner hardzakumneri, hretakocman, rmbakocman en entarkvum Adrbejani laynamasshtab martakan gorcoghutyunneri yntacqum։

Henc hima Hayastany hardzakman e entarkvum Turqiayi ajakcutyuny vayelogh Adrbejani koghmic: Septemberi 27-i vagh aravotyan Adrbejann agresia e sksel Arcaxi nkatmamb: harvacner hascnelov qaghaqaciakan bnakchutyany, krak bacelov Stephanakerti ev ayl shrjanneri ughghutyamb: Hayastany datapartum e ays akty։ Hetevanqneri amboghj patasxanatvutyunn ynkac e Adrbejani: zinvorakan ev qaghaqakan avtoritar rezhimi vra: Turqiayi razmakan ajakcutyamb, vory 4000 vardzkanneri e vardzel (karces cankanalov krknel Hayoc ceghaspanutyuny)։

Ays pasin Arcaxi sahmanneri voghj erkaynqov canr marter en yntanum Adrbejani grohneri pattcharov, voronq hakasum en Zhnevi konvenciayin։ Turqiayi ev Adrbejani hakahaykakan hretorabanutyuny voch miayn rasistakan e u fashistakan, aylev cuyc e talis ceghaspan mitumneri tarrery»:

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Dear friends, I usually don’t like to make any political statements as my “job” is to bring people together by spreading love through music. But it is very hard to stay silent when people you know, innocent civilians, are being attacked, shot at, bombed, shelled - with full on military actions of Azerbaijan against my homeland, Armenia. Right now, Armenia is being attacked by Turkey-backed Azerbaijan. Early Sept 27th morning #Azerbaijan launched aggression against #Artsakh, targeting civilian population, shelling Stepanakert and surrounding areas. #Armenia strongly condemns this act. All responsibility for consequences is upon Azerbaijan military and political dictatorial regime, along with military backing by Turkey who has hired 4,000 military mercenaries/terrorists (as if wanting to continue the #ArmenianGenocide). Currently there is heavy fighting going on along the entire border of Artsakh through Azerbaijan’s tactful attacks which all go against the Geneva Convention.Turkey’s and Azerbaijan’s anti-Armenian rhetoric is not only racist and fascist, but it shows elements of genocidal tendencies and the world needs to keep their eyes on it because this happened before. Opposite of Armenia, Azerbaijan, an authoritarian regime, prefers violence (it is indoctrinated) and war and is not ready for peace talks and is happily ready to see young soldiers die on both sides. These soldier’s bloods will be on Aliyev’s conscience (if he has one at all) - and I feel so bad for their soldiers, following orders, and I hope God forgives them; for they do not know what they’re doing. My prayers go out to all families. #StopAzerbaijaniAggresion #StopAliyev #StopAzerbaijan Turkey stop aiding Azerbaijan to invade Artsakh! Please donate to this fund - geared to help families who have lost their sons and the orphaned children whose parents have given their lives to this war:

Kisvir ays nyutov:
12:18, 20.04.2024
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