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I consider it unacceptable to bring forth the false agenda of "ceding lands": Arshavir Gharamyan
14:40, 01.08.2018 |
16681 | 1

Dear compatriots,

While the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chair countries voice expectations regarding new opportunities for advancing the negotiation process on the Artsakh issue, lately in Armenia there has been a marked increase in the number of statements by various politicians, political scientists and active users/bloggers on social media advocating concessions of Artsakh's territory.

Given the current circumstance, when Azerbaijan actively prepares for the resumption of military action and further hardens its maximalist position, I consider it unacceptable to bring forth the false agenda of "ceding lands." These lands are the result of the victory achieved through the blood and sacrifice of myself, my friends, and every single one of us, which we are obligated to hold sacred and protect.

Considering this circumstance, as well as the dangerous and complex processes unfolding in the wider region, and the necessity to make the friends and allies of Armenia and Artsakh more aware of our message, I call on all of our compatriots in Artsakh to come to the streets in protest in the event that such statements should continue. Express the attitude and the will of the people of Artsakh towards this dangerous process!

Lieutenant General Arshavir Gharamyan
Hero of Artsakh,
Recipient of "Golden Eagle" and "Combat Cross First Degree" medals,
Activist of Karabakh Movement,
Member of the organizing committee of the 1988 student movement,
Commander of the all-volunteer 35th mechanized rifle battalion (Arsho's battalion) during the Artsakh War

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