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U.S. Rebuffs Effort to Tether Bank Fine to Pastor’s Release
11:05, 20.08.2018 |
12629 | 1

Trump administration has rejected an effort from Turkey to bind a US pastor with relief for a large Turkish bank facing $ billions in US fines. Ankara tells other questions from the table until the minister is released, said an elder official at the White House.

Andrew Brunson has triggered the worst crisis between the two countries for decades and contributed to pushing the Turkish currency to record low in recent months. The refusal of any trade sets the scene for the United States to impose another criminal penalty against Ankara as soon as this week.

The administration wants Turkey to release Brunson and other citizens who hold contested terrorist charges as three Turkish citizens working for the US government.

Turkey sought a gesture in exchange, asked the United States to release a survey Halkbank facing potentially degrading fines for alleged violation of US sanctions against Iran.

White House official said that the United States made clear to Turkey that dispute areas between the two nations, including the fine Halkbank face, will not be discussed until Mr. Brunson has been released.

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