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“Samsung Galaxy Note 9” 128 GB smartphone is already available at VivaCell-MTS service centers
12:35, 01.09.2018 |
8650 | 0

VivaCell-MTS informs that “Samsung Galaxy Note 9” 128 GB smartphone is already available at its service centers.

The smartphone costs AMD 524 900 and can be purchased both in cash and by installment.

When buying a smartphone for AMD 30 900 or moreby September 30, 2018, one gets a chance to participate in a prize draw of 3 “KIA Rio X-Line” cars and 15 “Honor 9 Lite” smartphones.

For more information, one can visit, contact 111 free of charge hotline, chat with us through “111 Online”, or approach one of our service centers across Armenia.For updates on our news, join us on Facebook.

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17:15, 14.09.2018
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