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Turkish court sentences Arda Turan to jail over nightclub fight, defers verdict
00:40, 12.09.2019 |
14457 | 0

A court in Istanbul sentenced Turkish international footballer Arda Turan to two years, eight months and 15 days in jail over his high-profile fight with pop singer Berkay Şahin last year but deferred the announcement of the verdict.

The two men were involved in a nightclub bout in October 2018 in Istanbul's Sarıyer district, which ended with Turan attacking Şahin outside and breaking his nose. It was claimed that Turan, who had been married for only seven months at the time, hit on Şahin's wife and the brawl was taken outside, although Turan staunchly rejected the accusations and said the fight was a result of a misunderstanding.

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