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#Bitcoin price to head for $18,000
09:20, 18.01.2020 |
8657 | 0

With Bitcoin and the crypto market pumping again and the Bitcoin halving drawing closer, more crypto analysts and traders are expecting BTC to start pumping hard soon. Among the figures that have been voiced so far are $11,000 and $18,000 per Bitcoin if the price begins to accelerate in April, prior to the halving.

Analyst @CryptoMichNL believes that the current situation in the cryptomarket has started resembling January 2016, which he has recently been referring to often – the time when the market went into tremendous volatility. This should last for about three months now, he states, and then he expects Bitcoin to start pumping, powered by the approaching halving in May.
The expert believes the price target to be $18,000. The all-time high Bitcoin reached in 2017 was $19,772 – on December 17.

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