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#Shell company declared support for Nord Stream 2 despite of US sanctions  
15:45, 18.01.2020 |
8820 | 0

Netherlandian oil and gas company Shell (one of the European partners of the Russian corporation Gazprom in the building of the gas pipeline Nord Stream 2) does not intend to stop supporting the further construction, even taking into account sanctions imposed by the United States.

This was announced to journalists by the Shell’s Executive Vice President and Country Chair Russia, Cederik Cremers. According to him, Nord Stream 2 is important for energy security in Europe. “We believe that pipeline transport has advantages, so we support the project,” he explained the company’s decision.

At the same time, Cremers did not rule out that US sanctions can delay the completion and launch of Nord Stream 2 for an indefinite term.

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15:45, 22.01.2020
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