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Biden: Zuckerberg is a ‘real problem’ and he may have broken the law
13:05, 18.01.2020 |
9251 | 0

Joe Biden offered some strong words against Mark Zuckerberg in an interview with The New York Times published Friday. The former vice president said he sees the Facebook founder as a “real problem” and said it’s possible that his role in “propagating falsehoods” against Biden and other public figures may have broken the law. Biden was asked what he thought of Facebook after his campaign complained to the social-media giant last year about an ad that falsely claimed he blackmailed Ukrainian officials to help his son. Biden responded: “I’ve never been a fan of Facebook, as you probably know. I’ve never been a big Zuckerberg fan. I think he’s a real problem.” Biden said his issue with Facebook is that it can host false information with no consequences, whereas a newspaper would be sued. Asked if Zuckerberg should face criminal penalties for false information on Facebook, Biden responded that he should face “civil liability” and added: “Whether he engaged in something and amounted to collusion that in fact caused harm that would in fact be equal to a criminal offense, that’s a different issue. That’s possible. That’s possible it could happen.”

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