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Trump finally gets his TV-ready lawyers — thanks to impeachment
18:00, 18.01.2020 |
7315 | 0

President Donald Trump has finally got the all-star, TV-friendly legal team he’s been clamoring for. All it took was an impeachment trial.

The real estate mogul, all-around salesman and former reality star who’s been known throughout his career for churning through attorneys at a breakneck pace rolled out several high-profile additions to his defense team Friday. In a matter of days, they’ll take center stage on the Senate floor as millions of Americans tune in.

It’s a who’s-who list of legal heavyweights, including former Bill Clinton special prosecutors Kenneth Starr and Robert Ray, plus retired Harvard constitutional law professor Alan Dershowitz. Each will have specific speaking roles during the upcoming trial, which begins in earnest on Tuesday, while serving as clean-up hitters behind White House counsel Pat Cipollone and Jay Sekulow, Trump’s longtime personal attorney.

The optics are classic Trump. Not only do the lawyers bring a name-brand recognition to the televised proceedings, they also carry the Clinton linkages the president adores. Starr gained talk-show punch-line prominence as the legal nemesis of both Bill and Hillary Clinton, pursuing a variety of probes that ultimately fueled Clinton’s impeachment. To have him now defending Trump, with millions watching on national TV, is the type of juicy storyline Trump the executive producer wants to orchestrate. Collectively, the new impeachment defense team has made over 350 appearances on Fox News in the last year, according to conservative news tracker Media Matters.

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