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,,I’ve come to learn about the recent, scandalous incident at the Dresden Opera House": Vardan Petrosyan
20:30, 19.01.2020 |
14197 | 1

I’ve come to learn about the recent, scandalous incident at the Dresden Opera House. In short, Azeri singer Yusuf Aivazov has refused to sing together with an Armenian singer Ruzan Mantashyan, due to which the organizers of the concert have abruptly stopped the process of preparation of Mantashyan’s agreement and have cancelled her appearance. Reading the media coverage of this incident I cannot conceal the voice of my resentment and anger and I cannot believe that such an insidious, ugly incident has taken place in an artistic setting, and moreover in modern day Europe, and in a civilized country like Germany.

For decades I have worked on many French stages, alongside an international and multicultural cast including French, Arabs, Russians, Italians, Jewish, Portuguese, Turkish ... and I have always admired the true integrity and high morale in the relationship between these international actors, directors, stage drivers, technicians, etc.
For months I have shared the stage with a fellow Turkish actor in the performance titled "N'ayez pas peur" directed by the famous French director Robert Hossein. We have worked together in a warm and friendly manner, discussing even the issue of the Armenian-Turkish relations that was a heavy topic for both of us. We have worked together as humans, as brothers.

The Dresden incident is a disgrace, and for an actor working in Europe it is even impossible to comprehend. The Dresden Opera Administration is the main responsible party for this outrageous phenomenon. However instead of politically condemning the Azerbaijani singer's racist act and taking appropriate sanctions against this, the administration on the contrary, based on his request has cancelled the agreement with the Armenian singer. Moreover they now wash their hands, declaring that they wish to have no business with some distant, Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict that was deliberately brought to the theater.

I call upon all my colleagues in France, in the United States, in Canada, in Russia, and in all of Armenia, as well as in every other country, to raise their voice in protest against this inhuman manifestation of chauvinism; otherwise the virus of racism might spread across all European stages serving as a precedent and resulting in even more ugly and intolerable phenomena.

I would also like to address the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of Culture of the Republic of Armenia to make an announcement and take a rough stance in this matter.

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15:45, 22.01.2020
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