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About 100 Syrian soldiers and civilians killed in militants’ attacks since January 16
11:10, 20.01.2020 |
6926 | 0

More than 50 civilians and about 50 Syrian soldiers have been killed in militants’ attacks since January 16, chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, Yuri Borenkov, said on Sunday.

"Since January 16, 2020, as many as 47 Syrian soldiers have been killed and 77 more have been wounded in attacks staged by militants. A total of 51 civilians have been killed and 166 have been injured," he said.

According to Borenkov, militants in Syria are using regular weapons and munitions of NATO member nations. "Whereas previously, illegal armed groups used mostly self-made weapons and munitions, now they are making a wide use of regular munitions and weapons of NATO countries," he said.

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15:45, 22.01.2020
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