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“Alliance of Patriots of Georgia” be able to achieve the closure of American NGOs in the country
19:10, 27.01.2020 |
7790 | 0

The Alliance of Patriots of Georgia Party held a rally in Tbilisi, which called for the cessation of the activities of two American NGOs - the National Democratic Institute of International Relations (NDI) * and the International Republican Institute (IRI) **. The Alliance is convinced that these structures are interfering in the internal affairs of the republic and are engaged in misinformation. Experts note that in Georgia, like in many other post-Soviet states, there is an extensive network of American non-profit organizations whose goal is to form a public opinion favorable to Washington. At the same time, analysts are convinced that such actions will not succeed in forcing the Georgian authorities to limit the activities of these organizations.

On January 26, a rally was held at the US Embassy in Tbilisi against the activities of Georgian non-profit organizations - the National Democratic Institute of International Relations (NDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI) in Georgia. The organizer of the action was the opposition party Alliance of Patriots of Georgia.

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12:35, 30.01.2020
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