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Report: Bolton book says Trump tied Ukraine military aid to Biden probe
18:50, 27.01.2020 |
7084 | 0

President Trump told then-national security adviser John Bolton in August 2019 that he wanted to continue to withhold nearly $400 million in military aid to Ukraine until top officials there pursued investigations into his political rivals, according to a New York Times report Sunday. Among those Mr. Trump is said to have wanted targeted: Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

The Times cited a manuscript written by Bolton. His upcoming memoir of his time in the Trump White House is due to be released in March. The book is titled, "The Room Where It Happened," with the subtitle, "A White House Memoir."

If the portrayal is accurate, the document appears to directly contradict what the president's lawyers have said at the outset of their defense in his impeachment trial, which began on Saturday and resumes Monday. Democrats are already citing the book as they step up their push to have witnesses at the trial, and President Trump is already berating the book and Bolton on Twitter.

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12:35, 30.01.2020
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