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Ireland's premier Leo Varadkar re-registers as doctor during #coronavirus pandemic. #TheIrishTimes
03:05, 07.04.2020 |
10593 | 0

Ireland's Prime Minister Leo Varadkar will go back to work as a doctor to help out during the coronavirus outbreak.The Taoiseach will join the Irish health service once a week while continuing to lead the government.Varadkar is a trained doctor and worked as a general practitioner before being elected to a seat in the Irish assembly."Many of [Varadkar's] family and friends are working in the health service. He wanted to help out even in a small way," a government spokesperson said.Many members of the Irish prime minister's family work in medicine including his partner Matthew Barrett who is a surgeon at a hospital in Dublin.Varadkar's father and mother, a doctor from India and a nurse from Ireland, met in London while working for the National Health Service (NHS).

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