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President says one person infected 533 with #coronavirus at Ghana fish factory
12:15, 11.05.2020 |
9545 | 0

A worker at a fish-processing factory in Ghana’s Atlantic seafront city of Tema infected 533 other workers at the facility with the coronavirus, Ghana’s President Nana Akufo-Addo said in a broadcast late on Sunday. Ghana’s health authorities reported the outbreak at the industrial facility late on Friday, but did not provide details.

“All 533 persons were infected by one person,” President Akufo-Addo said. He did not provide details of how the disease spread in the facility or if safety measures had been in place.
He said that the 533 positive cases, which represents around 11.3% of Ghana’s total infections, were part of a backlog of about 921 cases going back as far as April 26 that are only recently being reported.

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