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Trump announced severance of all US relations with #WHO
10:30, 30.05.2020 |
9637 | 0

The World Health Organization (WHO) has refused to carry out the reforms it needs, and Washington is breaking all ties with this organization, said US President Donald Trump, as Interfax reports.

"Since they were unable to implement the necessary reforms needed, today we are breaking off our relations with the World Health Organization and redirecting our financial resources to other urgent problems in the world in the field of healthcare," he said.
Trump emphasized that although the United States presented a detailed WHO reform plan, the organization refused to meet it.
Trump also recalled that the United States had previously allocated approximately $ 450 million to WHO, while China $ 40 million.
In April, Trump announced that his administration temporarily stopped funding WHO, while in Washington they study how WHO reacted to the crisis with the coronavirus pandemic. In particular, the US president called this organization "pro-Chinese."

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