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Home invader told Eminem he was there to kill him, officer testifies
19:10, 11.09.2020 |
6974 | 0

Eminem awoke at home April 5 to discover a man standing behind him, a Clinton Township police officer testified Wednesday.

The rapper born Marshall Mathers initially thought it was his nephew, but it turned out to be a stranger later identified as Matthew David Hughes, said Officer Adam Hackstock.
“When Mr. Mathers asked him why he was there, he was told by Mr. Hughes that he was there to kill him,” Hackstock said on the stand during a preliminary examination in Macomb County District Court.

Hughes has been in custody since the incident, charged with first-degree home invasion and malicious destruction of property. He appeared in court Wednesday in shackles and a prison jumpsuit, having regrown a beard since his prior court appearance in June.

Eminem was not in court Wednesday, but his attorney watched the proceedings via video.

Judge Jacob Michael Femminineo Jr. found there is probable cause to move forward with a trial and scheduled a Sept. 28 arraignment in Macomb County Circuit Court.

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