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Jill Biden wore custom #Markarian at the inauguration
10:50, 21.01.2021 |
8811 | 0

Jill Biden wears custom Markarian to the 2021 Presidential Inauguration.

The new First Lady wore a turquoise tweed coat with velvet lapels paired with a matching dress and face mask on Inauguaration Day.

The ensemble was designed by Colorado-born designer Alexandra O'Neill of the emerging American label Markarian — a New York–based designer.

The first lady’s coat was adorned with a dark blue velvet collar and cuffs. Her dress also featured a tapered chiffon bodice and scallop-shaped skirt.

“The color blue was chosen for the pieces to signify trust, confidence, and stability,” the fashion label said of the first lady’s look in a statement.

O’Neill founded Markarian in 2017. But her design career began at the age of 10 when her grandmother Gigi taught her how to sew while growing up in rural Colorado.

“At night, when we turned out all the lights in the house and looked outside, all we could see was complete darkness and the light from the stars in the sky. If I looked long enough, I would always see at least one shooting star. The sky that I saw when I was young was infinite, and that is what I loved most about it. The magic of those childhood moments still inspires me,” wrote O’Neill on her website.

Her upbringing influenced Markarian, which she named after a “radiant grouping of galaxies.”

The Markarian brand is a celebration of O’Neill’s love of celestial romanticism and has a timeless, feminine aesthetic.

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