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In The US 5 people, including a pregnant woman were killed
12:50, 25.01.2021 |
8520 | 0

Five people, including a pregnant woman, were shot to death early Sunday inside an Indianapolis home in an apparent targeted attack, the city’s police chief said, decrying the “mass murder” killings as a “different kind of evil.”
The fatal shootings were discovered by police who had been called about 4 a.m. to investigate reports of a person shot on the city’s near northeast side but first discovered a juvenile male with gunshot wounds, said Sgt. Shane Foley with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department.
No suspects were in custody as of Sunday evening.
As officers were investigating that juvenile's shooting, Foley said police received information about 4:40 a.m., that led them to a nearby home, where they found multiple adults dead inside from apparent gunshot wounds.
IMPD Chief Randal Taylor said police believe the deadly shootings were not random, but were a targeted attack carried out by an assailant or assailants.

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