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Leonardo DiCaprio wrote an open letter to Biden
16:20, 27.01.2021 |
10003 | 0

Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio posted on his official Instagram page an open letter to US President Joe Biden asking him to take action to overcome the climate crisis.
During the day, the publication received almost five hundred thousand “likes” and more than four thousand comments.
The actor called on Biden to become a “climate president” who will be able to lead humanity away from the “edge of the abyss” on which it finds itself.
DiCaprio also announced the need to abandon the use of fossil fuels in favor of “clean energy”. In his opinion, this decision will create a large number of jobs, reduce harmful emissions, as well as overcome economic and racial inequality.
At the same time, the actor spoke positively about the decision of the American leader to join the Paris Agreement on measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

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