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,,Tevanik was our hero,,: his funeral will be held tomorrow
22:40, 31.01.2021 |
22792 | 0

We remained hopeful that Tevanik (Hovhannes Khoderyan -a native of Artsakh) survived the Artsakh war despite that he had been missing for months. Tevanik was our hero. Our team is devastated and at loss of words. We unfortunately received confirmation that he has passed and his funeral will be held tomorrow.
Tevanik is available on Amazon Prime, Tubi, and Hoopla! Please add Tevanik to your watchlist in honor of all who have fought in the Artsakh war. They are all our heroes.
Tevanik - a three part movie; The first part is about little Aram’s harmonious family who tragically gets separated in one day. Aram’s entire childhood ends. The second part of the film centers on Astghik. Peace turns to war and she loses her friendship, her love, and her idol. Finally, the third part of the film tells a story of 14-year old, Tevanik, who becomes part of a war that changes him forever.

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