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Indian man hires security for one of the most expensive mangoes in the world
22:35, 23.06.2021 |
12102 | 1

In India, a resident of Bihar hired security guards and installed cameras to guard the Miyazaki mango, one of the most expensive in the world.

“This is the most expensive mango in the world, called the Tayo no Tamago or the Sun Egg, and is native to Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan. This mango tree is 25 years old. It was given by someone to the daughter of a former state legislator, Ajit Sarkar. This is the most expensive mango in the world, “- quotes” RIA Novosti “on Tuesday, June 22, the words of the owner of the house Vikas Das.

He said that local residents are guarding the tree, in addition, video surveillance is installed, the website writes. The owner plans not to sell the mango in the market, but to arrange an auction. He clarified that he has a special taste and smell.

The mango variety “Miyazaki” got its name from the prefecture in Japan, where they are grown. The average weight of one mango is 350 g, it is rich in antioxidants, folic acid and beta-carotene. Also, the sugar content in it is on average 15% more than in other varieties of mango.

The cost for this type of mango starts at 8 thousand rupees per kilogram ($ 107) and can go up to 270 thousand rupees ($ 3.6 thousand), writes NSN.

On June 17, endocrinologist, nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences Ulyana Rumyantseva told what foods should be added to the diet in summer. According to her, in the summer, you should eat more vegetables, fruits and berries. In particular, you can eat apricots, peaches, zucchini and eggplants, cucumbers, carrots, grapes, apples and raspberries with greater health benefits.

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