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The reservist generals demand to initiate a criminal case against the police major
22:12, 20.05.2022 |
12594 | 3

A group of police officers used violence without a valid reason against Armenian citizen Arayik Muradyan who was walking on the sidewalk on the morning of May 17, 2022, on Pushkin Street in Yerevan. At first, the police officers beat Arayik Muradyan with their fists on different parts of his body, threw him on the ground, then continued to kick him for a long time.
Before resorting to violence against the citizen, the officers of the Special Forces Battalion of the RA Police, the commander of the same battalion - police major Mikayel Ayvazyan knew in advance that he was a reserve colonel, a participant in all Artsakh wars Arayik Muradyan, a 3rd degree disabled soldier, a person who took part in military operations with his two sons during the 44-day war and still has not finally recovered from the wounds.

However, these circumstances did not prevent the police officers from swearing at Arayik Muradyan in public, insulting his human, officer dignity, high rank of freedom fighter and after that, on the orders and with the direct participation of major Mikayel Ayvazyan, they began to use physical force to take revenge on Arayik Muradyan. And after taking revenge on Arayik Muradyan they took him to the police station and he was released after some time.

It should be noted with regret that the police officers, who are supposed to be Defenders of Civil Rights, are the first to violate legal, all moral and human written and unwritten norms and laws.

The officers of the Special Police Battalion of the RA Police use physical and psychological violence against the citizens of the Republic of Armenia with particular zeal, using physical force, hitting old people, women, girls, teenagers, the parents and relatives of the soldiers killed in the war, the participants and disabled of the war.

In connection with the above mentioned case, we demand from the Director of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia Major General Armen Vagharsh Abazyan, the Chief of the RA Police Major General Vahe Robert Ghazaryan to take the following measures:

From the Director of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia Major General Armen Vagharsh Abazyan we demand immediately initiate a criminal case (based on numerous publications in the mass media and social networks) on the fact that on May 17, 2022, in the city of Yerevan violence, beatings, physical revenge, insulting human and officer's dignity were used by a group of RA Police Special Forces Battalion against reserve Colonel Arayik Muradyan, also prosecute Police Major Mikayel Ayvazyan and other police officers who have committed a crime.

From the Chief of the RA Police Major General Vahe Robert Ghazaryan we demand immediately suspend the tenure of police officers who are involved in the incident.

Union of Reserve Officers «Shield of the Fatherland»

Public movement «Reserve Officers»

Public organization «Union of Reserve Officers of the National Security Service»

Public organization «Karabakh War Veterans Union»

Public organization «Armenian National Guard»

Colonel General Seyran Ohanyan

Colonel General Onik Gasparyan

Lieutenant General Tiran Khachtryan

Lieutenant General Karen Abrahamyan

Major General Ishkhan Matevosyan

Major General Valeri Kocharyan

Major General David Manukyan

Major General Stepan Gevorgyan

Major General Alexan Alexanyan

Police Major General Gagik Hambardzumyan

General of Justice Tatul Petrosyan

NSS Lieutenant General Grant Episkoposyan

NSS Lieutenant General Vrezh Arzumanyan

NSS Major General Armen Abrahamyan

NSS Colonel Mikayel Hambardzumyan

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