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United States welcomes dialogue between Armenia and Azerbaijan - State Department
12:06, 21.05.2022 |
4256 | 0

The United States remains ready to assist Armenia and Azerbaijan in the normalization of relations, including in its capacity as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, United States Department of State spokesperson Ned Price said at a press briefing.

''We very much welcome the dialogue between Armenia and Azerbaijan. We remain committed to promoting a peaceful, democratic, and prosperous future for the South Caucasus region as part of that. We do urge this dialogue to continue and for the parties to intensify their diplomatic engagements to make use of existing mechanisms for direct engagement, and in an effort to find comprehensive solutions to all outstanding issues related to and resulting from the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and – to normalize their relations through the conclusion of a comprehensive peace agreement. We are there to support this process. We remain ready to assist Armenia and Azerbaijan with these efforts, including in our capacity as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group,'' Price said when asked by a reporter on the US State Department’s expectations of the current ongoing negotiations process.

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