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A partial solar eclipse has started in Europe
15:21, 25.10.2022 |
9193 | 0

The partial solar eclipse, which will be visible from Europe, northern Africa, the Middle East and Asia, became visible first in Reykjavik, Iceland, at 8:58 a.m. local time; where the sun would eventually be about 20 percent covered (sunrise was at 8:30 a.m.). By 11 a.m. in London, the moon blocked 15 percent of the sun. The shadow will be peak around 4 p.m. in Chelyabinsk in Russia’s southern Ural region, which is expected to get 79 percent coverage, before waning in New Delhi at 5:30 p.m. with 44 percent coverage.

Images of the eclipse began circulating on social media and in live streams early Tuesday, with photographers posting photos from across Europe and the Middle East.

A partial solar eclipse has started in Europe
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15:54, 28.06.2024
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