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Warsaw ready to completely shut down traffic on the border with Belarus
13:18, 21.02.2023 |
4502 | 0

Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Pavel Yablonsky said in a live broadcast that Poland is ready to completely shut down traffic on the border with Belarus. Polish radio.

Pavel Yablonsky denies that their decision to close the checkpoints was politically motivated. When asked whether Poland is ready to finally close its border with Belarus, Yablonsky said, “But if our analysis shows that there is an increasing threat to security, then such decisions can be made.”

Earlier, it was reported that according to the decision of Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Kamiński, "due to the important interest of state security”, Poland closed the movement of trucks at the last working checkpoint with Belarus Kukuryki-Kozlovichi. Besides, at the initiative of the Polish authorities, the Polish-Belarusian checkpoint Bobrovniki was closed also. Thus, only one passenger checkpoint Brest-Terespol and not a single cargo checkpoint remained on the Belarusian-Polish border.

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