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Putin: Russia to suspend its participation in Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
15:30, 21.02.2023 |
6457 | 0

Vladimir Putin has said Russia will suspend its participation in the arms control agreement between the US and Moscow.

Vladimir Putin claims that the West is involved in the attempts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to hit Russian strategic aviation. "They want to inspect our defense facilities. This sounds like sheer nonsense. Meanwhile, we are not allowed to conduct full-fledged inspections on their side. Our applications remain unanswered or they are rejected on formal grounds, and NATO says it wants to inflict a strategic defeat on us. Russia cannot ignore this and suspends participation in the Strategic Offensive Arms Treaty,” the head of state added.

“I have to declare today that Russia suspends its participation in the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. Let me repeat that the country doesn't withdraw from the Treaty, but only suspends its participation,” he said.

But before we get back to discussing this issue, we need to understand for ourselves what North Atlantic Alliance countries are claiming, and how we will consider their strategic arsenals.

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10:24, 25.02.2023
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