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Twitter, new layoffs: another 200 employees will lose their jobs
21:54, 27.02.2023 |
4051 | 0

According to rumors in some American newspapers, at least 200 employees , around 10% of the company's current workforce, were fired over the weekend.
The cuts have affected different figures: product managers, data scientists and engineers who worked on machine learning and site reliability.

This is yet another staff cut under the new owner Elon Musk , who has revolutionized the management of the platform: in addition to reducing costs, his plan includes the release of new features and the modification of content moderation policies. By early November, layoffs had affected some 3,700 employees.

Twitter's layoffs are part of the general crisis of American big tech companies, which are undergoing restructuring due to the slowdown in growth . Alphabet, the parent company of Google, expects to cut about 12,000 jobs, Microsoft has announced 10,000, Amazon 18,000, while the parent company of Facebook, Meta, a downsizing of about 11,000 jobs.

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