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Tensions grow in Kyiv over status of war, as Zelensky insists conflict with Russia is not at a ‘stalemate’
22:54, 06.11.2023 |
3011 | 0

Igor Zhovka, the deputy head of Zelensky’s office, on Saturday condemned an assessment by Ukraine’s military chief .

Zhovka told Ukrainian television that Zaluzhny’s interview will have been “carefully read, noted down and conclusions drawn” by the Russians. He said he had received calls from counterparts in partner countries “in a panic” asking if the war really is at a stalemate, as described by Zaluzhny.

“Perhaps this is a very deep strategic plan, and we will achieve some success in this way.

Zelensky also disagreed with Zaluzhnyi’s assessment during a press conference with EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Saturday, but admitted that people are “tired” after 18 months of war in the country.

We all need to get together and resolve the issues, work more with our partners on air defense, unblock the skies, and enable our guys to take offensive actions
Zaluzhny also laid out in his interview his vision for what Ukraine needs to do and the kind of support needed from partners to break the deadlock.

Nobody believes in our victory like I do.-Zelensky told TIME

He admitted that the outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas has diverted attention from Ukraine’s fight against Russia,

People are dying, and the world’s help is needed there to save lives,” Zelensky said.

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