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Trump declines Zelenskyy's invite to Kyiv
11:54, 07.11.2023 |
2931 | 0

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy invited former President Donald Trump to Ukraine on Sunday to see the scale of the war for himself, but Trump respectfully declined in a statement to Newsmax.

"I have great respect for President Zelenskyy, but think it would be inappropriate to go to Ukraine at this time," Trump wrote in a statement responding to Zelenskyy's invite made on NBC's "Meet the Press." "The Biden administration is currently dealing with him, and I would not want to create a conflict of interest."

Zelenskyy's invite was a counter to Trump's long-running claim he could solve the Russia war in Ukraine in "24 hours." Zelenskyy said he would just need "24 minutes" to prove to Trump that was not possible.

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