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Joe Biden, Xi Jinping to hold talks in San Francisco on November 15
10:18, 08.11.2023 |
3131 | 0

President Joe Biden will hold bilateral talks with Chinese leader Xi Jinping on Nov. 15 on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in San Francisco, Kyodo News reported. Final preparations are underway for the meeting, which is set to be the first face-to-face talks that Biden and Xi will have in about a year, the Japanese news agency said, citing an unnamed senior US official. China hasn’t announced Xi’s attendance at APEC, though the White House has said the two leaders will meet. Last month, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the two nations cannot rely on “autopilot” to achieve a meeting. Xi is also likely to be the guest of honor at a dinner with top US business executives in San Francisco next week, Bloomberg News reported earlier.

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