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Nicaragua wins first Miss Universe crown
13:18, 19.11.2023 |
10831 | 0

Nicaragua wins the title of Miss Universe 2023, with Miss Thailand coming in first place, in a historic crowning moment filled with glamour and tears of joy. Miss Nicaragua is crowned as Miss Universe 2023. After an intense contend between 90-country candidates, Miss Nicaragua emerged as the 72nd Miss Universe. Advancing to the final round alongside her were Miss Thailand and Miss Australia in the beauty pageant. Check out the crowning moment. With pride and happiness in her eyes, Miss Universe 2022 R'Bonney Gabriel passed over the precious crown to her successor. The crowd erupts in cheers as Nicaragua wins the title of Miss Universe 2023, with Miss Thailand coming in first place. Amidst the glittering glamour and tears of joy, watch the historic crowning moment unfold.

Nicaragua wins first Miss Universe crown
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