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As of 9:30 a.m., the firing by Azerbaijani armed forces on Armenian combat positions has ceased
10:24, 13.02.2024 |
5435 | 0

As of 9:30 a.m., the firing by Azerbaijani armed forces on Armenian combat positions in the vicinity of Nerkin Hand (Syunik Province) has ceased.
The Ministry of Defence urges partner media outlets not to disseminate unverified information, to refrain from referencing individuals with insufficient and inaccurate frontline information, and to rely on official reports from the MoD.
The Ministry of Defence will issue additional official statements regarding Armenian casualties and the health condition of the wounded.

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10:18, 20.02.2024
3978 | 1
19:30, 19.02.2024
2827 | 0
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