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Nikki Haley to exit Republican presidential race
17:00, 06.03.2024 |
2359 | 0

Nikki Haley kept running long after it was clear she didn’t have a shot, WSJ reports.

But on Wednesday morning, the former South Carolina governor — and only woman to seek the Republican presidential nomination in 2024 — will end her yearlong bid, ceding the GOP nomination to Donald Trump.The Wall Street Journal first reported Haley’s plans, and a person familiar with those plans confirmed Haley intends to leave the race. Haley is expected to deliver remarks in South Carolina around 10 a.m.
Haley’s departure follows a brutal series of losses in states across the map on Super Tuesday, where she failed to halt Trump’s momentum. And it marks the end of what remained of the GOP’s nominal attempt at soul-searching this presidential cycle, when few of the dozen candidates who signed up to run against Trump would dare to take him on directly.

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