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#Bloomberg: Ukraine’s allies line up funds for 800,000 artillery shells
09:48, 07.03.2024 |
3268 | 0

Ukraine’s allies have lined up nearly all the funding required for a Czech-led initiative to purchase hundreds of thousands of artillery rounds, according to a government official familiar with the arrangements.

The commitments mean that the shells could be delivered to Ukraine in a matter of weeks, according to separate people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. The precise timing would depend on contractual and delivery schedules, and could slip, the people cautioned.

The proposal would see the Czech Republic serve as the middleman to link governments willing to finance the purchase of excess ammunition, which would then be sent to Ukraine.

“There is positive progress regarding the Czech initiative,” President Volodymyr Zelenskiy told a joint press conference with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis Wednesday in the southern Ukrainian city of Odesa. “But we can assess positive results when the shells are in Ukraine.”

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