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Donald Trump challenges Joe Biden to debate for US presidential election
10:24, 07.03.2024 |
4219 | 0

Former President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he will debate President Joe Biden "anytime, anywhere, anyplace" as the two men turned their attention toward a general election rematch a day after dominating Super Tuesday primaries.

"It is important for the Good of our Country, that Joe Biden and I Debate issues that are so vital to American, and the American people," Trump wrote on the Truth Social media platform. "Therefore, I am calling for Debates, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE!"

Trump declined to take part in Republican primary debates and has been critical of general-election candidate matchups hosted by the long-standing Commission on Presidential Debates. But on Wednesday, he said he would go toe-to-toe with Biden in commission debates — or even debates hosted by the Democratic National Committee — if the president will agree.

Biden has not yet said whether he will debate Trump before the November election. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre deflected a question from Fox News earlier Wednesday about whether dodging debates would cast doubt on Biden's "acuity."

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