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Deadly Russian missile struck 500 meters from Zelensky and Greek leader’s convoy
13:24, 07.03.2024 |
4352 | 2

A Russian missile exploded just 500 meters from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis during a deadly attack on the Black Sea port city of Odesa on Wednesday, a source familiar with the situation told CNN.

A convoy carrying the leaders on a visit to the city felt the impact of the strike and the group saw a “mushroom cloud” of smoke, according to the source.

Five people were killed in the strike and more were wounded, a spokesperson for the Ukrainian Navy, Dmytro Pletenchuk, told CNN, though neither Zelensky or Mitsotakis were injured.

Mitsotakis said Zelensky had given him a tour of the southern city, which has sustained huge damage from months of Russian strikes, before they heard air raid sirens.

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