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Mikael Vardanyan donated 117 mln drams for garbage trucks and 230 waste bins for Masis community
11:18, 19.03.2024 |
3711 | 0

In the enlarged Masis community the problem of garbage collection will be completely solved. Benefactor Mikael Vardanyan provided the community with a garbage truck, a multifunctional waste collection vehicle, 230 new waste containers and a truck.

Mikael Vardanyan donated 117 mln drams for garbage trucks and 230 waste bins for Masis community
Thanks to the provided financial support, it will be possible to collect garbage in Masis city and 26 neighboring communities daily and fully.
Mikael Vardanyan donated 117 mln drams for garbage trucks and 230 waste bins for Masis community
The total budget of the program amounted to 117 million drams.
Mikael Vardanyan donated 117 mln drams for garbage trucks and 230 waste bins for Masis community

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12:00, 23.03.2024
3016 | 0
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