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Total solar eclipse: North Americans celebrate with cheers, music and matrimony
10:48, 09.04.2024 |
4890 | 1

Throngs of skywatchers across North America gazed upward at a blackened sun in the midday dusk on Monday, celebrating with cheers, music and matrimony the first total solar eclipse to darken the continent in seven years.
From a Mexican beach resort close to where the eclipse made landfall to the banks of the Ohio River and farther north beyond the roaring cascades of Niagara Falls at the U.S.-Canadian border, spellbound crowds reacted to the sight of "totality" with jaw-dropping expressions of awe and joy.

Total solar eclipse: North Americans celebrate with cheers, music and matrimony
Total solar eclipse: North Americans celebrate with cheers, music and matrimony
Total solar eclipse: North Americans celebrate with cheers, music and matrimony
Total solar eclipse: North Americans celebrate with cheers, music and matrimony
Total solar eclipse: North Americans celebrate with cheers, music and matrimony
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