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Deputies of the Bundestag campaigning to give Merkel the Nobel peace prize
15:03, 15.02.2015 |
6754 | 3
Deputies of the Bundestag campaigning to give the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel Nobel peace prize once on Thursday in Minsk for talks with her participation were achieved consensus on a peaceful settlement of the situation in the East of Ukraine.

"What Mrs. Merkel together with the President (France) Hollande reached in Minsk, extremely. If this will be lasting peace, (delivery) of the Nobel peace prize for this achievement will be a logical step, " he said in an interview magazine Bild am Sonntag people's choice of the Bundestag and the head of the German-Ukrainian parliamentary group Karl-Georg Wellman.

However Wellman warned against premature confidence." We are currently talking about the mode, stop the fire, not knowing whether it ", - said the politician.

the people's choice Bundestag Sylvia Panel also supported the idea of handing the German Chancellor peace prize." While other politicians are trying to push against the peoples of Europe, she (Angela Merkel) sees its mission in its unification and the future progress of a large project mothers and fathers of Europe ", - said Panel.
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