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World's first penis transplant man reveals he is to become a father after surgery success
00:02, 15.06.2015 |
21113 | 0

The man who had the world’s first penis transplant is to become a dad.

The girlfriend of the 21-year-old South African revealed she is expecting their first child.

Doctors said they were delighted and it showed the “complete success” of the operation.

The recipient - who has not been named - received the new organ last year after a botched circumcision operation.

The couple’s baby is due in October.

Doctor Andre van der Merwe performed the ground breaking operation.

He has given a lecture on the success of the operation.

He said: “Initially we had no financial backing, no donors and many critics, but I am now happy to hear the recipient’s girlfriend is now four months pregnant.”

Van der Merwe says he is looking forward to performing more penile transplants.

The ground-breaking operation took a team of surgeons nine hours and has allowed the patient to be sexually active.

The unnamed recipient received the penis from a dead donor on December 11 last year.

Dr van der Merwe said skin from the inside of the patient’s leg and tattooing were used to match the colour of the transplanted penis to the recipient’s skin colour.

Dr van der Merwe said he had been inundated with requests for penile transplants from around the world - and even offers from potential donors.

In an interview earlier this year, he said: “I’ve had someone email from America who wants his penis removed.

“He wants to be genderless and donate his penis to somebody.”

The operation was part of a pilot study to develop a penis transplant procedure that could be performed in South African hospitals.

Nine more patients are awaiting the same surgery after losing their penises in traditional initiation ceremonies that went wrong.

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