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The biggest disasters on the planet associated with the phases of the moon
21:05, 13.09.2016 |
24097 | 0

Japanese geophysicists have come to the conclusion that major earthquakes are likely to occur during a new moon or full moon. A study published in the journal Nature Geoscience.
Scientists have reconstructed the amplitude of the tidal stress, which occurred a few weeks before earthquakes of magnitude 5.5 and higher that occurred in the last twenty years.
Despite the fact that the authors have not found a confident relationship between the phases of the moon and small tremors, they believe the earthquake in the Indian ocean in 2004, in Chile in 2010 and off the East coast of Honshu island in Japan in 2011 occurred during the maximum amplitude of the tidal stress.
Previously, geophysicists have shown that the phases of the moon impact the amount of precipitation on Earth. Full Moon over earth leads to a pressure increase in the upper layers of the atmosphere and rising temperatures in the bottom layers. Warm air contains more moisture and leads to increased precipitation.

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