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In the US, said that Clinton is prepared to offer Putin a "hard" bargain
12:30, 06.10.2016 |
10117 | 0

Despite the strained nature of relations between Russia and USA, the White house should work with the Kremlin and there are areas where we can cooperate. This was stated by the candidate in Vice-presidents of the United States Democratic party Tim Kane, reports RIA Novosti.
He believes that cooperation with Russia should in different ways, and the candidate in presidents of the United States, Hillari Clinton is ready to negotiate and to conclude with the Kremlin "hard" deal.
"She (Clinton – ed.) is not going to praise Putin as a great guy, but she is ready to sit at the negotiating table and conclude a tough deal. Hillary can stand up to Russia", — said the representative of the Democrats.
However, he said the presence of an opponent of Clinton in the presidential race, Donald trump's business interests with Russia.
"Donald trump again and again praised Vladimir Putin. It is clear that he has business dealings with Russia," says Kane.

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