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Fancy Bear hackers strike again, leak US anti-doping agency emails
13:45, 07.10.2016 |
7825 | 0
The Fancy Bear hackers who breached the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) released emails and other documents about the use of banned substances by American athletes on Thursday.

Among the leaked files were communications between the USADA science director Dr. Matthew Fedoruk and the body’s TUE specialist Dana Leenheer. Again, all the files leaked contained information on TUE use, including data that appeared to show cyclists used more TUEs than all other sports in 2015. USADA had not responded to a request for comment at the time of publication.

TUEs are legal, but questions have been asked about why, how and when athletes have taken the drugs. Wiggins felt compelled to offer explanations to media, after he’d claimed in a biography not to have taken performance-enhancing substances.

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