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In the Netherlands want to allow euthanasia of the elderly
12:15, 13.10.2016 |
6356 | 0

The Dutch government is drafting a new bill that would legalize the process of euthanasia in respect of people who feel the full completeness of his life, but not necessarily having a fatal disease.
According to Reuters, the Ministers of justice and health of the Netherlands addressed a letter to the Parliament, in which I explain that the details of the bill still being worked out, but those people who have developed good conscious desire to terminate his life, should be able to do it in a dignified manner "when executing strict and accurate criteria".
Critics of euthanasia in the Netherlands claim that the original criteria for its use - the "unbearable suffering" - was understood too broadly.
The Netherlands was the first country in the world, which legalized medical assisted voluntary death in 2002. In 2015, the country produced 5516 procedures of euthanasia, which accounted for 3.9% of all deaths.
Dutch society as a whole supports the state policy in the field of euthanasia. The number of patients willing to voluntarily part with life increases every year. Also, a growing number of physicians willing to work in this field. It is expected that the new law could come into force by the end of 2017.

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